Depending upon when you mark the beginning, the world is anywhere between six and eight months into the Covid panic. While some parts of the world have slowly climbed back down from the ledge, other parts of the world seem committed to another round of lock downs and public hysteria. In fact, the great and the good are telling us that the public rituals may be a permanent condition. The question, though, is why has the world gone crazy over this particular pandemic?
Strangely forgotten in all of this is the fact that every generation or so has a nasty virus get loose that results in a very bad flu season. The last one was Swine flu, which was about a decade ago. There was a worldwide outbreak of H1N1 called the Soviet flu in the 1970’s and before that the Hong Kong flu. There are localized outbreaks of even scarier things like MERS and SARS. In other words, Covid is neither unusual or particular harmful compared to the regularly occurring pandemics.
In fairness, the initial concern over the virus was justified. It could have been another Spanish flu or it could have been an engineered super-bug. Given the origin and the behavior of China, it was a safe bet that this virus came from a lab. That means it could have been much worse for many obvious reasons. While it most certainly originated in a Chinese lab, we know it is not a super-bug that will plunge the world into darkness or become an extinction event.
One reason for the panic is the ongoing crisis in the West. Most of the world has not only come off the ledge, but is back to normal. China, where this thing started, is completely back to their version of normal. It is Europe and the Anglosphere that continue to struggle with the panic. Europe seems to be determined to go back into some form of lock down, despite the evidence. The great and good in America are praying to their gods for a second wave of infections.
The Covid pandemic has been the best thing to happen to minor politicians and celebrities at all levels since the invention of Twitter. In America, few people have any reason to know the names of their local politicians, but now everyone knows the name of the people behind the lock downs. The same is true of the silly drama queens who fill in the blanks of public entertainment. Every day one of them pops off about the virus in a way that gets them unwarranted public attention.
In the West, public trust and trust in authority have declined to the point where all politics, all social behavior, is built around the gesture. The new social capital is public displays of caring. Everyone feels the need to tell the world how much they care, so anything that can enable that spreads like a virus. The real pandemic this year has been the plague of people and companies telling us how much they care and that we’re all in this together. After all, it is about being safe.
This plague of caring is not all that different from the last plague of caring that is still with us to some degree. The global warming panic operated along the same lines as this Covid panic. Instead of the great and good decorating themselves with masks and face shields, they toted piles of grimy canvas sacks to the supermarket. They imposed silly regulations on everyday items like gas cans and drinking straws. Caring about Gaia is the Eleusinian Mysteries of the managerial class.
There is also a punitive aspect to this. That sense of communal salvation is still very strong among the great and good. One manifestation of this is that all of us must suffer for the sins of the few. Only through suffering can we find salvation. In order to please Gaia, we have to put up with drinking straws made of paper and obnoxious lectures from demented plutocrats. The people behind the climate change stuff admit that there is nothing to be done, but they apply the lash anyway.
In this regard, Covid has been manna from heaven. Just as everyone with an IQ above room temperature has realized climate change is a scam, here comes a scourge of the gods sent to punish the wicked for voting for Donald Trump and Brexit. The vengeful, malicious technocrats that run the West suddenly have a reason to torment the people over whom the rule. Note that they casually exempt themselves from the ridiculous rules they impose on the rest of society.
Then there is the fact that Covid actually exists. Unlike climate change, the great and the good can point to real people who are genuinely sick. They have pumped up the death counts and are now scouring the land for people who can test positive for the virus, but Covid is a real thing. Climate change does not exist in any way that impacts the lives of people. Covid is a bogeyman that does not require mountains of graphs and charts based on cooked data. Everyone can understand it.
This is why the Covid restrictions may be with us for a long time. With these new tools of torment, the Torquemadas of the managerial class get to take out their anger on the rest of us whenever they like. The busybodies and overly officious flunkies of the system get to nose around in your business and push you around. The Church of Covid has made the worst elements of human society into high priests. These loathsome freeloaders will never voluntarily let go of their new power.
Media Note: My YouTube conversation with Cotto and Gottfriedd is now up for the enjoyment of everyone. Make sure to subscribe to their channel, as it helps them get noticed by the Borg that controls YouTube. It was a fun show. I don’t do a ton of these live stream things, so the quality of my performance is inconsistent. I was quite intoxicated for this one, so I had a good showing.
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