Where Are The Criminal Charges?

I’ve been following this case for a while and I keep wondering why no one is in jail, even though I know the answer. There’s little doubt that major figures in tech were engaged in illegal activity. It is also clear, by the way, that their lust for H1B1 visas is just an attempt to suppress wages. This is the sort of thing they make movies about, with the hot shot lawyer and the whistle blower finally beating the bad guys.

There is “ample evidence” that Silicon Valley was engaged in “an overarching conspiracy” against its own employees, a federal judge said on Friday, and it should either pay dearly or have its secrets exposed at trial.

Judge Lucy H. Koh of the United States District Court in San Jose rejected as insufficient a proposed $324 million settlement in a class-action antitrust case that accused leading tech companies of agreeing not to poach one another’s engineers.

In addition, her decision immediately resuscitated a public relations nightmare for Google, Apple and other top tech companies while vindicating a range of observers — including one of the plaintiffs in the suit — who said Silicon Valley was escaping justice.

With the case once again heading to trial, it threatens to expose to further scrutiny the business practices of Steve Jobs of Apple. The blunt emails of Mr. Jobs, an unquestioned genius, could prove to be his company’s undoing.

Steve Jobs was a horrible human being. If the Christians are right, Steve Jobs is being sodomized by Hitler and Stalin in Hell right now. He screwed his employees, treated everyone including his family like garbage and he was a pathological liar and confidence man. Maybe that finally gets a full airing in a courtroom. Too bad the cocksucker is dead.

Wolf Of Wall Street

I used to know a guy who had dealings in Hollywood. He was an attorney and specialized in entertainment contracts. Beyond that I have no idea what he actually did for a living. He knew a lot of famous people and hung out at the trendy places. Movie stars and famous directors are the part of the iceberg we see. There’s a vast supporting structure under the waterline. He was a part of that world. Hollywood is a factory town and there are a lot of people working on the assembly lines.

This guy had a lot of good stories and gossip about famous people. The one thing he told me that I recall is that pure chance picks the stars. There are hundreds of people with the looks, talent and desire to be a bankable star. Dumb luck plucks a few out of the pile and makes them into household names. Dumb luck plucks even more and makes them working actors, who have a nice living playing bit parts.

I don’t know enough about Hollywood to know if it is true. I’ve seen bad acting so I know it takes some skill and practice to be good at acting. I suspect that once you get past the awful stage into the plausible stage, that’s enough. Kevin Costner and Keanu Reeves are not very good at acting and they make millions as super star actors. They just have a look that works for the roles popular in their era.

Anyway, I watched Wolf of Wall Street and I can’t help thinking that dumb luck really is what rules the business. The director is a famous guy with all sorts of great films to his credit. How did he make this god-awful piece of crap? How is it that a talented director made such a horrible film? Similarly, how did the actors, all famous, not see this turkey coming a mile away? They have people to read the scripts for them. These people are supposed to know a good script from a bad one.

Now, I may be the one with bad taste. I looked it up on Rotten Tomatoes and it got good reviews. I don’t get it. The acting was fine, but the story was so stupid and childish I wanted to run from the room screaming. It just looked like an excuse for everyone to have a bunch of hookers on the set running around naked. I like naked women as much as the next guy, but I don’t need movies to show me nudity. I can indulge that interest from a dozen PC’s I have around me all the time.

Anyway, the movie sucked.

But Was He Wearing A Hoodie?

It is not hard to see where this is heading. An unarmed black male getting shot by the police is catnip for the race hustlers in the media, which is all of the now. The ramping up of anti-white rhetoric coincides with the highlighting of these cases where the cops are forced to shoot out of control blacks.

An unarmed teenager killed Saturday by Ferguson police, spawning continuing community unrest, had struggled for an officer’s gun in a patrol car first, officials announced this morning.

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said one shot was fired by the officer’s gun inside the car during the struggle, and that the officer fired multiple times at Michael Brown, 18, as he ran away.

Belmar did not indicate whether police think the shooting was justified.

He said the shots that hit Brown were “more than just a couple but I don’t think it was many more than that.” He said an autopsy was pending and that a toxicology test would take as long as six weeks to determine whether Brown had alcohol or drugs in his system.

It’s funny and predictable how these things go. The white Hispanic in Florida had a pretty good excuse for shooting the black kid. Getting your skull crushed is usually enough to justify lethal force. Of course, we did not learn that until much later, as the media colluded with the the dead guys family to perpetrate a hoax. Odds are this is another example of the media lying in order to rev up a black mob.

Belmar promised a full investigation that might also include the FBI. He said the results would be forwarded to St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCulloch, whose office would decide whether criminal charges were justified.

The chief noted that as Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson arrived at the scene Saturday, he called Belmar personally to ask for a county investigation. “I would not think anybody would do that if they had anything to hide,” Belmar said.

Jackson sat beside Belmar but did not speak in a short press conference at 10 a.m. at the community’s firehouse.

Belmar said he had not consulted the FBI but would call today. The FBI can investigate a police use-of-force incident as a possible violation of constitutional rights. Belmar emphasized that these are “standard protocols.”

The officer who fired, whose name has not been disclosed, is now on administrative leave. Belmar said that officer has been on the Ferguson force for six years and appears to have “no other issues” in his past.

Belmar said the officer had an encounter about noon Saturday with two “individuals” and was pushed back into his car and “assaulted” by Brown. The chief did not again mention the second person, nor did he describe the reason for the initial contact.

Belmar and Jackson left the press conference as reporters continued to call out questions.

Of course, that does not mean the more responsible members of the “community” cannot pitch in and help calm things.

State Sen. Jamilah Nasheed, D-St. Louis, and the St. Louis NAACP also have said they would seek a federal investigation.

Angry residents took to the streets shortly after Brown was killed in the 2900 block of Canfield Drive. Some shots were heard in the crowd that gathered, but nobody was injured. Some people chanted obscenities and “kill the police” as about 60 officers from multiple jurisdictions gathered.

At least 200 people continued the theme today outside the police station, 222 South Florissant Road, carrying signs and occasionally making speeches.

One of them, Shontell Walters, of Berkeley, said they took exception to the presence of police dogs with officers watching the scene. “They are trying to instill more fear in us,” she complained.

A memorial went up at the shooting scene, where Brown’s stepfather, Lewis Head, stood and wept this morning. “Ferguson killed my son,” he said. “They flat-out murdered him.”

A candlelight vigil is planned for that spot at 8 p.m.

In case you’re wondering, Jamilah Nasheed is a woman and, this will comes as a surprise, she is black. In fact, Ferguson Missouri is 65% black. The crime data from City-Data suggests the crime rate has been falling. Spot Crime shows that the criminal element is east and south of the main part of the town. The overall crime rate is still much higher than the rest of the country. It is not Detroit, but it ain’t Mayberry either. The cops have a challenging job in that town.

Policing high crime areas is a grind. The cops get cynical and if you’re lucky they just stop caring. Often, they resent having to police a population that seems to have no interest in civilization. Bad things start to happen and then the war is on. Los Angeles had this problem. In Baltimore and Washington, the cops simply keep the bad guys from leaving their area. The result is an urban reservation.

Vengence High School

The phrase “social justice” really means “revenge.” It is always used in the context of a self-defined loser demanding money from the folks they see as winners. The losers are bitter at being losers  and they want to take it out on someone. Envy is the natural result from great disparities in talent and accomplishment.

The link between winners and losers never seems to make much sense. It’s like the champions look for causes that are both obscure and pointless. David Horowitz has made this point often. The middle-class Jewish kids, who helped the Black Panthers beat the system in the 70’s, did it just to cause mayhem.

Anyway, there’s now a high school based on the principles of social justice. Conveniently, it is called Social Justice High School and it is located in Chicago. For some reason a lot of New Left radicals came from Chicago.

The Little Village Lawndale High School is a reality because of the principles of social justice. Our belief in self-determination inspired a community to act on its convictions to affirm its right to a quality education. Through a system of support, guidance, and accountability our students will graduate high school, be prepared for college and implement a post secondary plan. Our students will cherish and preserve their ethnic and cultural identity, will serve and determine the future of our community, and will have a passion for peace, justice and the dignity of all people.

The language here looks similar to corporate jargon. There’s a creepiness to it that brings to mind dystopian sci-fi films where the fully human protagonists is faced with a formless, faceless alien authority.

The purpose of the school of social justice is to assure that all students become critical thinkers through a curriculum that is rigorous, innovative, and implemented through meaningful school relationships.

Project based and problem based learning that addresses real world issues through the lenses of race, gender, culture, economic equity, peace, justice, and the environment will be the catalyst for developing our curriculum.

Service learning will be the center of our curriculum. Our community and the city will be our classroom. All learning will be relevant to the lives of our students.

We will increase student learning and achievement by building on what our students know and utilize their everyday experiences in order to build the excellence of basic skills and literacy.

The professional community composed of administrators, teachers, students, parents and other community members will learn together and from one another.

That’s an impressive collection of abracadabra words. The Left has a thing for magic words and incantations. One that is always good for laughs is “critical thinking” which is Left-speak for attacking the current order. These guys are all about pulling down the walls. They say it is to remove barriers, but it is really so they can pull the roof down on the rest of us. The core beliefs section is great:

Truth and Transparency

We will practice honesty and authenticity in our communication and relationships with students, our community, peers, and ourselves.

Struggle and Sacrifice

Our struggle is against systems of power that have been historically used to deny, regulate, and prohibit access to the most basic human rights that should be granted freely to members of society regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, or religious belief. We accept the reality that such struggle will require sacrifice from all involved.

Ownership and Agency

We will take responsibility as agents and catalysts of change to expose the truth about the functions of power, work (unite) to interrupt their operations, and operate as producers of power to meet the needs of the Greater Lawndale community.

Collective and Community Power

Through collective community power, we commit to a conscious effort to overcome the intended historical obstacles that have been designed to disempower and divide our communities, and thereby meet the needs of all members of Greater Lawndale for continual betterment and progress.

Authenticity is a magic word for these people. To normal people, this word implies simplicity and originality. To the Left it means adherence to ideology. Of course, struggle and sacrifice have a long history with radicals. The adherents have to be willing to give themselves completely to the cause in order for them to live forever in the promised utopia.

I’ll just note that this is pretty standard stuff on the Left. My bet is up and down the Obama education department this sort of language is common. They not only think this school is a good thing, they want to make your kid’s school just like it. It is why vouchers are a dumb idea. Those vouchers would come with strings requiring classes in social justice and empowerment.

But, this is probably the future anyway.

Watching Old People Work

The other day I was watching bunch of guys tear up some concrete in the courtyard of my office building. One guy was running a jackhammer, the sort that is attached to a bobcat. Others were cutting re-bar, while others moved the rubble around for no apparent reason. They were not screwing around or loafingThey were just ridiculously disorganized. It was an amusing show.

Watching it, I noticed that there was not a single immigrant on the crew. It was all white guys and one black guy. Construction has been down around here since the crash so maybe the Mexican trade guys moved on and what’s left is the old white guys who used to work in sales or something. I’m just guessing. Maybe the government cracked down on the illegals in the trades. Stop laughing.

The other thing was the age. Every one of the crew was over forty. One guy was in his sixties. He was busting his hump, outworking everyone else. The old guy was in great shape. He even smoked, which is pretty funny. I’m going to say the bulk of the crew was between 45 and 55. There was one guy that could have been under 40, but that’s it. Pretty old for manual labor.

Out of curiosity, I looked up the average age of construction workers and found this from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There’s a lot of data there and it does not look like construction is an old business. Manufacturing is older. Government is really old with a median age pushing 50 for most sectors. Searching around for more granular data I found this story that claims the average age of welders is 55.

For some reason we have had a welder shortage for years now. I have a distant relative who is a career criminal and welder. He gets out of jail and goes back to welding, often being bailed out by his employer. Presumably he is very good at his trade and does not commit his crimes on the job, but it says a lot about the quality of people in that trade.

There’s not a lot of great data for the trades. Plumbers in Texas, for example, are 50 years old, on average. The median age of carpenters is supposedly 48 across the country. If you look closely at the BLS data, retail is the youngest sector and government is the oldest. Manufacturing is the next oldest and then you get into the trades. Young people seem to be in services, technology and retail.

When you start looking at the data, it is not hard to see why upper middle class whites favor open borders. They don’t work in the trades. Their kids will not even work summers in the trades. Heck, middle class kids no longer work. That’s for the poor people now. On the other hand, upper middle class people need their toilets fixed and their houses repaired.

At the same time, it is easy to see why the public is turning on immigration. Despite what the people on TV believe, America is not 30-something beautiful people living in swank urban enclaves. Most people are related to one of those guys busting up the sidewalks outside my office.

Still, demographics does not explain why the trades are getting gray. It is not easy to be a carpenter or a steamfitter. Welding is a lot more involved than working in a government office. To be a competent carpenter you need math skills, problem solving skills, in addition to physical skills. The young people with something on the ball are discouraged from going into the trades, while they are encouraged to head off to college. At some point, that has to change.

Fake Wine

Early in my work life, I was at a dinner with company executives. The head guy, feeling like a king, started ordering wine for the table. I was a young man and wine was alien to me. At least the culture of it. I knew nothing about it and I had no interest in learning about it. The waiter brought over a magnum sized bottle of wine and did the wine ritual for the big boss. He told me the wine was $1500 a bottle. It tasted like every other red wine I’d tasted to that point.

Later in life I came to understand that wine is mostly bullshit.  A small group of people decide what is and what is not trendy and the prices are set accordingly. I actually got to know a guy, who is a member of the Court of Masters. His membership is all about making money in the wine business. I never believed for a second he knew anymore about the taste of wine than anyone else. He just knew all of the proper jargon that was used to impress people out of their money.

The thing is, people look at the price tag above all else. For years now I have bought my office manager a bottle of wine at Christmas. She likes to entertain over the holidays, so I go into the wine store and ask the clerk to give me a $100 bottle of French or Italian wine. I accidentally leave a price tag on it. Every year she tells me her guests love the wine.

There’s also the priest/expert factor. In spiritual matters, we rely on holy men to tell us right from wrong. There are rituals they conduct to instruct us on morality, absolve us of sin and bear us up under the weight of life. In practical matters, we look to experts to cut through the thicket of details and tell us that we need to plug the red wire into the blue socket. The wine business rolls the two together making the wine expert the arbiter of good taste and good character.

This story from America’s Paper of Record shows how high end wine is just high end bullshit.

An international wine dealer has been jailed for 10 years for fraud after selling fake vintages and cheating fellow connoisseurs out of tens of millions of dollars.

Rudy Kurniawan, 37, an Indonesian-born businessman, had been considered one of the top wine collectors in the world, becoming famed for his palate and ability to identify fine wines.

But it emerged he had been blending the contents of cheap bottles in the kitchen of the home he shared with his mother.

He then placed the blends in old bottles, stuck fake labels on them and claimed they were rare vintages, selling them for vast sums.

While selling the fake wines he lived a luxury lifestyle driving expensive cars and collecting modern art.

It is not hard to see how this worked. He is foreign so Americans naturally assumed he was exotic and international. He used the lingo so he must be an expert. His lavish lifestyle confirmed he was an international man. He presented himself as these people wished to view themselves. A classic con.

A judge in New York ordered Kurniawan to forfeit $20 million (£11 million) and pay $28.4 million in restitution to his victims.

US District Judge Richard M. Berman said: “The public at large needs to know our food and drinks are safe and not some potentially unsafe homemade witch’s brew.

“This was a very serious economic fraud, a manipulation of US and international markets.”

Prosecutors said Kurniawan had seven main victims, one of whom was the billionaire businessman and financier William Koch, who gave evidence in the trial.

After being sentenced Kurniawan said: “I’m very sorry for what I have done.”

Kurniawan had moved to the US at the age of 16 and will be deported after completing his jail sentence.

Jerome H Mooney, his lawyer, told the court Kurniawan had wanted to mix with rich people in California, where he had lived with his mother.

The lawyer said: “He was insecure, very insecure. He wanted to be them. He wanted to be part of it. Nobody died. Nobody lost their savings. Nobody lost their job.”

Kurniawan had become known as “Dr Conti” because of his expertise in the wines of the Domaine de la Romanée-Conti vineyard in Burgundy.

He was found out and arrested by the FBI after trying to sell 78 fake bottles of wines for around $700,000 at an auction in London in 2012. Other experts spotted mistakes including missing French accents on labels.

I’ll just note that no one ever tasted one of his wines and said it was fake. He was caught because he got sloppy with his label making. I’ll grant that much of his product was sold to people who collect wine. Still, an expert somewhere popped the cork on one of his brews and was fooled. But, they are always fooled. There is simply no evidence to support the claims of wine and food tasters, it is a fraud.

Soy Latino

I always thought I may be Latino or a Latino. I’ve never been comfortable with the term to know the proper usage. Hispanic is another word that vexes me. I’ve never met a Mexican or Puerto Rican that used it. It’s always upper middle class white people. Anyway, according to this story, polls show Latinos agree with me on a wide range of issues. Either I’m Latino or they are becoming me.

Immigration is only the 6th-most-important issue for Latino voters in California when casting a vote for a candidate for U.S. Senator or for U.S. Congress, according to a statewide survey conducted by Univision.
When registered Latino voters were asked to name their most important issues, the results, in order, were: education (21%), jobs (16%), government spending and the deficit (15%), social security (13%), “how what they do will affect my wallet” (10%), health care (9%), immigration (8%), and crime and personal safety (5%).

An overwhelming 86% of those surveyed support comprehensive immigration reform. However, a majority–53%–of registered Latino voters in California also answered that they believe that, “…we should require borders to be secured before providing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.”

Furthermore, when asked, “Which of the following is your major concern or complaint about the Republican Party?”, only ten percent of those surveyed named Republican opposition to immigration reform.

The number one gripe was that Republicans “care mostly about corporations and big business” (17%). Other concerns, in order, were that Republicans: care only for themselves (17%), favor the rich (14%), are against immigration reform (10%), don’t stand up strongly for their beliefs (7%), “don’t understand people like me” (6%), and favoring white people not minorities (5%).

I’ve said for years that the problem we have is both parties are sock puppets for multi-nationals and the banksters. The Democrats are better at pretending they are for the average guy, but that’s because most of them are a little nuts. Republicans, on the other hand, think being the friend of CitiCorp and Haliburton is the same as being business friendly. These are not businesses. They are fiefdoms.

The second complaint is another with which I agree. The GOP leadership has known for a long time how to turn their promises to the base into results, but they refuse to do it. They prefer the status quo as that’s where the easy money resides. They use the middle-class to lever riches for themselves from the political system. Democrats, at least, try to follow through with their promises to destroy the country.

Of course, the big take away is that immigration is meaningless to the prospects of the GOP with Latinos. As a newly minted Latino, I have a different interpretation. Like the majority of my new race, I want a secure border, expedient deportations and sensible policy about who and how many immigrate here. I DON’T WANT AMNESTY.

Visiting the Hive

Here we go again. The last time they got caught coordinating their “news reporting” it was very entertaining. Tucker Carlson really enjoyed tormenting them with their own e-mails. While there’s nothing wrong with members of the same club buzzing together on-line, these are the folks constantly tisk-tisking about ethics in journalism and all that nonsense. It looks like some of them did not learn their lesson.

A prominent CNN commentator, the top two political reporters for The Huffington Post, a Reuters reporter, the editor of The Nation magazine, a producer for Al Jazeera America television, a U.S. News & World Report columnist, and approximately two dozen Huffington Post contributors are among the more than 1,000 members of Gamechanger Salon.

Founded by leftwing activist Billy Wimsatt, the group is a secretive digital gathering of writers, opinion leaders, activists and political hands who share information, ideas and strategy via a closed Google group.

The group’s existence was discovered by Media Trackers through an open records request filed with a University of Wisconsin professor who happened to be a member of the network.

There’s something deeply weird about people in a competitive racket like the media going in for something like this. The reason these liberal personalities blend together on the screen is all of them say the same things. Talk radio guys love doing montages of them using the exact same phrasing. It’s good radio. If your career depends on being a draw on TV or on-line, blending in with the blob seems odd.

But, I’m not a member of a cult.

Related is a very weird post on Wonkette.

Pity the poor wingnuts. They worked so hard to bust ACORN into a million pieces and salt the earth so no part of it would ever grow back. Little did they know that the Progressive Menace was just using ACORN as a distraction while it rebuilt the most fearsome of all anti-American organizations dedicated to spreading leftist propaganda like the Ebola virus: JournoList, which has been reconstituted as a closed Google Group called Gamechanger Salon. And the conservative website Mediatrackers.org is ON IT.

First, a disclaimer: Despite our impeccable leftist credentials, yr Wonkette is not now, nor has it ever been, a member of the Communist Party secretive anti-American group Gamechanger Salon. Nor would we join a group with such a stupid name. Seriously, you guys couldn’t come up with something better? The wingnuts are going to find it scary no matter what, so go all out. Call it Mao’s House of Propaganda or All Hail Pol Pot or HITLER! (The all caps with exclamation point is so they know you’re serious.)

Another coo-coo for cocoa-puffs site I used to like trolling was FireDongLake. All of these lefty sites popped up in the middle of the Bush years and most were founded by women or homosexuals. In other words, people with hormonal imbalances seem to be drawn to this form paranoid stuff.

Documented Nonsense

Every once in a while you see something that you think has to be a spoof, but turns out to be serious. In the process it confirms a lot of what you suspect of the people waving the thing around. Here’s one of those examples.

Some government programs have gained hundreds of billions of dollars paid by undocumented immigrants, who have been shown to draw a smaller amount from the same services.

Stephen Goss, chief actuary of the Social Security Administration, told Vice News that undocumented immigrants pay about $12 billion a year into the Social Security Trust Fund. Over the last decade, the agency estimates undocumented immigrants have contributed $100 billion to the program.

An estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants live in the U.S. and the agency guesses 7 million are actively working. Of these, 3.1 million use fake or expired social security numbers and still pay automatic payroll taxes.

Let’s just peel back this onion a little bit. For starters, we have been repeatedly told for decades that figuring out who is using fake Social Security numbers is impossibly expensive. To notify employers that the number they are using to submit taxes for their employee would be impossible and the cost to employers would be onerous. Yet, the actuary of the Social Security Administration seems to have this data at his fingertips.

Now, let’s take a look at the math. $13 Billion sounds like a lot of money until your divide it by the 3.1 million. The result of that bit of math is $4193.55. Let’s call it $4195 just to keep it simple. That does not sound like a lot of money all of a sudden. Of course, Abdul from Yemen and Kwame from Ghana are not bringing this cash with them from the old country. Their employer, the guy taking the bogus social security number and fake ID, is taking the money from the wages he is paying them. Currently the employee pays 6.2% and the employer pays the same.

That bit of math means the illegals are theoretically making over $33,800 per year. Keep that number in mind. Meanwhile, let’s take a look at the rest of this piece.

Goss said undocumented workers contribute about $13 billion a year in total and collect about $1 billion, leaving a net contribution of $12 billion a year. Considering their questionable legal status, it’s unlikely undocumented immigrants will benefit from their Social Security contributions.

A study published in the journal Health Affairs in May 2013 found that, in 2009 alone, immigrants paid $13.8 billion more to Medicare’s hospital account balance than they used. The U.S.-born population left the fund with a $30.9 billion deficit that same year.

Whether immigrants contribute to or use up federal services is a key issue in the immigration reform debate. The May 2013 study did not differentiate between documented and undocumented immigrants.

Experts say Medicare’s $115 billion surplus by immigrants from 2002-2009 was largely because their average age — 34 — is lower than the U.S.-born population, so most cannot benefit from the retirement service for many years. At the same time, however, many baby boomers have gone into retirement.

First of, why are illegal immigrants collecting anything from Social Security? How would anyone know, given that they say it is impossible to police the use of fake identification.

Anyway, let’s get back to the math. The second study that coincidentally claims illegals pay over $13 Billion in Medicare taxes is even more interesting. If we do the same math as we did before, we take $13.8 Billion divided by the magical 3.1 illegals paying the taxes Americans won’t pay. That gives us $4451.61 so let’s say $4450.00 just to keep it simple. Pretty much the same math as with the Social Security claim.

The difference is the tax rate for Medicare is 1.45% for employer and employee. That means either there are many more illegals paying Medicare taxes or the Health Affairs Journal thinks these illegals are making over $150K per year. That’s a lot of tomatoes to pick.

To make their numbers match those of the actuary, you have to assume over 14 million illegals are working and paying taxes. You also have to assume they are making $16/hour. How likely is that?

Sarcasm aside, the math simply does not add up. The math and simple observations says there are a lot more than 3.1 million working with fake papers. Ask anyone who is familiar with payroll software or payroll services and they will tell you there are a lot of bogus numbers in the system.

There’s also loads of these guys working for cash. I know of a dozen places around the Imperial Capital where you can get day labor for cash. Painters, landscapers, drywall guys, roofers. If you need guys to do low-skilled work and you don’t need the hassle of doing it legal, there’s a solution.

None of this really matters, of course. Immigration, legal or otherwise, is not about propping up collapsing welfare systems. If that were the case, then we should bring back slavery. After all, if bulldozing the laws and customs of a country is justified in an effort to pay welfare debts, then what is the objection to bringing back chattel labor?

The fact is these people paying the alleged taxes are doing so in lieu of Americans doing the same jobs. Open borders fanatics carry on like these people coming over the border are creating jobs that don’t exist.  The reality is something else. Employers want cheap, dependable labor. If the government says it is OK to hire foreign guys for cash or with fake papers, then they will do it if it makes sense.

Gutting the wage base with illegal labor, however, has costs. No one ever bothers to examine those costs when celebrating diversity. The millions of unemployed men collecting relief checks has a cost to society. It’s not just the taxes and welfare payments. It is the cost to the culture. Then you have the direct costs to state and local infrastructure of adding tens of millions to the system. Go into any emergency room and you see what I mean.

TPA: The Poor Alternative

Nate Silver is breaking hearts on the Left with his latest picks for the upcoming midterm elections. His complete guess at the moment has the Democrats losing control of the Senate by a couple of seats.

If Americans elected an entirely new set of senators every two years — as they elect members of the House of Representatives — this November’s Senate contest would look like a stalemate. President Obama remains unpopular; his approval ratings have ticked down a point or two over the past few months. But the Republican Party remains a poor alternative in the eyes of many voters, which means it may not be able to exploit Obama’s unpopularity as much as it otherwise might.

The funny thing about this is Nasty Nate, like everyone else on the Left thinks the reason the GOP is a poor alternative to the festering carbuncle in the White House is they are not agreeing with the festering carbuncle enough. Many of the TPA (The Poor Alternative Party) agree with him, but they will win despite their best efforts.

Generic congressional ballot polls — probably the best indicator of the public’s overall mood toward the parties — suggest a relatively neutral partisan environment. Most of those polls show Democrats with a slight lead, but many of them are conducted among registered voters, meaning they can overstate Democrats’ standing as compared with polls of the people most likely to vote. Republicans usually have a turnout advantage, especially in midterm years, and their voters appear to be more enthusiastic about this November’s elections. Still, the gap is not as wide as it was in 2010.

The problem for Democrats is that this year’s Senate races aren’t being fought in neutral territory. Instead, the Class II senators on the ballot this year come from states that gave Obama an average of just 46 percent of the vote in 2012.1

Democrats hold the majority of Class II seats now, but that’s because they were last contested in 2008, one of the best Democratic years of the past half-century. That year, Democrats won the popular vote for the U.S. House by almost 11 percentage points. Imagine if 2008 had been a neutral partisan environment instead. We can approximate this by applying a uniform swing of 11 percentage points toward Republicans in each Senate race. In that case, Democrats would have lost the races in Alaska, Colorado, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Oregon — and Republicans would already hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate.

It therefore shouldn’t be surprising that we continue to see Republicans as slightly more likely than not to win a net of six seats this November and control of the Senate. A lot of it is simply reversion to the mean.2 This may not be a “wave” election as 2010 was, but Republicans don’t need a wave to take over the Senate.

Nate knows where his bread is buttered so he is going to throw his team a bone.

Jim Geraghty picked up on it and put his optimistic spin on it.

There’s not a ton to disagree with in this new assessment from Nate Silver — “Republicans Remain Slightly Favored To Take Control Of The Senate” — but I’m left scratching my head at his suggestion that the GOP’s Jim Oberweis  is more likely to defeat Sen. Dick Durbin in Illinois than Ed Gillespie is to beat Sen. Mark Warner in Virginia. Really? Really?

Durbin is bullet-proof in Illinois and Warner is probably safe too. Virginia is a coin flip state now, thanks to the army of Northerners that invaded Northern Virginia. Having spoiled their former states, they moved to Virginia because of the low taxes, freedom and normalcy. As expected, they immediately set about tearing it down by voting for the sorts of people that ruined their home state.

The bigger problem is The TPA Party is offering up a damp dishrag with nothing to offer the voters. Ed Gillespie is a permanent barnacle attached to the Leviathan. He has never had a job or done anything of consequence in his government service. He has been an open borders fanatic so he cannot take advantage of the one issue that seems to be working with voters. At least he scrubbed his website of open borders fanaticism, but that’s small beer.

That’s the problem with GOP, they really are the poor alternative party.

Republicans enjoy three near-automatic pick-ups of Democrat-held seats, in South Dakota, West Virginia, and in Montana, where incumbent Sen. John Walsh, dealing with a plagiarism scandal, is being urged to drop his reelection bid and/or resign from the U.S. Senate. Then there are three southern Senate Democrat incumbents who look vulnerable, but not quite toast yet: Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Kay Hagan of North Carolina. Bill Cassidy, Tom Cotton and Thom Tillis all just need their home states to follow their GOP instincts.

Then there are the vulnerable Democrat incumbents in red or purple states outside the South: the not-yet-determined GOP bid vs. Mark Begich in Alaska, Cory Gardner’s bid against Sen. Mark Udall in Colorado, and former Sen. Scott Brown’s effort against Sen. Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire.

Perhaps this tier can include in Monica Wehby’s effort against Jeff Merkley in Oregon and Gillespie’s effort against Warner in Virginia, although Nate Silver obviously disagrees. (It looks like a really tough year for incumbent Democrat senators named Mark.)

Then there are two open seat races held by retiring Democrats in blue states where GOP women candidates are running surprisingly strongly: Joni Ernst taking on Bruce Braley in Iowa, Terri Lynn Land vs. Gary Peters in Michigan.

Then there’s the one Republican incumbent who needs to hold on, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. For what it’s worth, Silver sees an 80 percent chance McConnell holds on against Alison Lundergan Grimes.

Then there’s the one open seat race where a Republican is retiring in Georgia, where David Purdue needs to hold off Michelle Nunn.

That’s not exactly an electrifying cast of candidates.