I’m fond of the Hoffer quote regarding how mass movements degenerate into rackets. The exact quote is, “What starts out here as a mass movement ends up as a racket, a cult, or a corporation.” Drunk driving is the greatest example of this. We have done all that can or should be done to address drunk driving, but MADD remains a multi-million dollar jobs racket for its members. What little good it does is undone by the fact it now advocates for the violation of basic civil liberties.
In his day, this probably encapsulated the possible outcomes of a mass movement living beyond its purpose. Today, there is another possible option in addition to business, racket and cult and that is mental illness. All over we are seeing causes turn into collection points for the mentally ill to advocate for issues that are best described as insane. The whole trannies in the bathroom stuff is the most obvious example. This is lunacy advocated for the sole reason of causing mayhem.
Feminism is a another good example of a cause becoming a lunatic cult. First Wave Feminism was fairly small bore in its goals and tactics. The gals wanted to vote and have the same legal rights as men. Judging from the photos in history books, the tactics back then were for the feminists protesters to make themselves as sexually unappealing as possible in order to force the guys to concede. It was a mistake to give into these demands, but it probably seemed rational at the time.
Second Wave Feminism was proof that women, lacking a man around to say no, will begin to commit suicide by destroying the culture that allows them to prosper. That it quickly degenerated into Third Wave Feminism is all the proof you need. The Wikipedia entry for Third Wave Feminism is mostly just word salad because there’s no way to provide a concise description of what amounts to a grab bag of outburst by mentally ill women. That can be taken literally.
The first time I formally learned about mental illnesses and disabilities was in my high school health class.
Along with topics like pregnancy and a healthy diet, we also touched on eating disorders, schizophrenia,addiction, and physical disabilities.
I use the phrase “touched on” deliberately – because while these topics were mentioned, we never reallytalked about them.
We watched outdated videos with singular, stereotypical (mainly white, cis, middle-class) examples of individuals living with or affected by mental illnesses and various physical disabilities. We read definitions and biomedical criteria of diagnoses in textbooks filled with glossy photographs of the same stereotypical depictions as the videos.
It took me years to merge these classroom images with the lived experiences of people I knew.
As more and more schools recognize the importance of incorporating social justice topics and consent into the classroom, it’s important to recognize how the US education system has so far not only failed to contest ableism and mental health stigma, but also fails to challenge schools’reinforcing these forms of oppression.
One thing that the New Religion inherited from the Marxists is the concept of the struggle. It is integral to their identity to believe they are in a life or death struggle with dark, mysterious forces. This is what allows the blue-haired cat ladies of modern feminism to claim they are being oppressed, because the rest of us don’t care about their eating disorder. At the individual level, it is just another log on the fire of the raging bonfire of lunacy between the ears of the typical young woman.
The trouble is, these unhinged gals are rampaging through the culture and coming to dominate the managerial class, which means their mental illness is turned into official policy. Scroll down through the list of recommendations in the linked piece and you will see this gem:
For example, classrooms can integrate books written by, about, and depicting disabled folks. Political science and history classes can and should discuss the historical and contemporary reality of violence against disabled people and individuals with mental illnesses, such as police violence against mentally ill individuals. Relatedly, classes could discuss various social justice activist movements like the Section 504 Sit-In of the 1970s.
What this is, of course, is a Factitious Disorder, which means a self-imposed condition or illness. Third Wave Feminism is about searching for pitiable people for whom the feminist can feel suffering by proxy. It’s a way for unattached, childless women to gain attention. The normal biological urges no longer have the constructive cultural channels through which to flow to their natural destination, motherhood and marriage. Instead, like a blocked river, these urges flow into unwanted areas and put society at risk.
I’m fond of pointing out that the Muslims are not wrong about everything. The sterile materialism of the West is antithetical to normal human organization, theirs and ours. They are also right about the role of women in society. I’m not talking about the over-the-top Islamic views on women we see on TV. I mean the more sober Islam where women have a defined role that is different from that of men. “Equality” does not mean “identical” and women can have an equal place in society, without having an identical role.
It’s why the way to bet is for the Muslim invasion of the West to result in the Islamification of the West or at least the rise of a mutated form of Islam in the West. Given the choice between the yapping of fruitless young woman and men with beards throwing infidels off of roofs, the latter will be much more appealing to the men of the West. Maybe it will not come to that, but a society run by broken women cannot last. Either the women get fixed or someone throws a bag over their head and a net over the rest of us for allowing it.