At War With Ourself

In the age of kings, the monarch’s interest in the economy or in the law, was purely personal. Trade with another kingdom, for example, was about how it would profit the king and the people who served him. The same was true of domestic policy, where the point was to maintain order, so the king remained king. In theory, the king was the leader of his people and charged with looking out for their welfare, but in reality the reciprocal obligations were about maintaining the interests of the king.

In any system of personal rule, the law is about maintaining the relationships between the individuals in society. Disputes between individuals are adjudicated based on the established order, the position of the individuals in that order and the details of the personal dispute. Justice in such a system is never about public interests, as there is no such thing as public interest. Society is a system of hierarchical private interests that ultimately serve the interest of the monarch, who sits atop the social order.

In a liberal democracy, things are reversed. Public interest is now sovereign, transcending the personal interests of even the most powerful. Prosecutors can charge a prominent rich guy, for example, because they see it as their duty to the public to do so. It’s not about their personal conviction or their personal relationship with the rich guy. It is about what is understand as the public will, as defined by the law. All men are equal before the law, because the law is the public will, which is sovereign.

In theory this sounds superior to private rule, as the state operates as referee, maintaining and enforcing a set of rules on everyone equally. All of the private interests in society are then free to pursue their private interests, within the rules established by the law. Businesses compete with one another for customers. Individuals compete with one another for wealth and status. Society is a dynamic ecosystem of individual interests operating within the medium of the public good.

Because political offices lack transcendent legitimacy, the authority of the office rests in the general will, as expressed by the civic religion. This civic religion justifies not only the political structure of the state, but the manner in which office holders are selected. Instead of men rising to the top because they are favored by the gods or by the design of biology, they are selected because they win the favor of the people. They hold office because the public wills it and the public will is sovereign.

Because civic religions lack a limiting principle, civic mindedness inevitably becomes and ideology venerating the public good. The individuals occupying public office begin to see themselves as keepers of public morality, a priesthood, which serves the public in the same way a priest serves his flock. That brings state regulation of private interests in the name of public interests. Before long, the very nature of private interest assumes its primary purpose is the public good.

This is the nature of woke capital. The reductionist interpretation is that the people in these corporate giants are motivated by power or political ideology. They just want to help their tribe. In reality, what drives this is a culture inside these organizations around the belief they are there to serve the greater good. Apple is not a firm that makes expensive toys in China. It is a company with a mission to make the world a better place. The people are not there to profit the company, but to benefit mankind.

The conflation of private interests and the public good that inevitably must happen in a democracy, turns every company into a religious order and every powerful man into a bishop of the civic religion. As happens in all markets, the competition for what defines the public morality consolidates into one universal public morality. The entrepreneur wants to get rich, not for material reasons, but for spiritual reasons, as that becomes the path to high status. “Giving back” is the ultimate goal of wealth.

It is not just the private sphere that is subverted by the public will. The very institutions of the democracy become one with the new religion. Instead of training young people in the practical arts, education turns into indoctrination centers. Everything about our modern education system, even the private schools, is bent toward brainwashing young people into the ideology of the state. It’s why standards have collapsed. They are making believers now, not scholars.

The democratic custodial state, like all ideological enterprises, must eventually consume itself, as ideologies are always at war with nature. Ideology is about how things should be, not how they are. We are seeing that with the custodial state, where institutions, in order to carry out their spiritual duty, must violate the basic principles of law that make democracy possible. For the woke corporation or progressive college to complete its mission, it must violate the principle of equality before the law.

We see this in the explosion of sexual assault allegations on campus. These are hotbeds of ideological fervor, producing waves of new fanatics. In order to function as such, no discouraging words are permitted. Since Chad’s very existence is a discouraging word to the concept of feminism, the campus is now at war with Chad and the front line solders in that war are hysterical coeds. You cannot be a fully actualized women without having been raped by Chad in your dorm room.

The trouble is, rape has a legal definition. Sexual assault has a legal definition. These are legal constructs that bring with them legal procedures. When Becky claims she was assaulted by Chad, she has to supply some proof of the allegation. If the police think there is enough to arrest Chad for assault, they will do so and turn him over to the prosecutor, who will determine if there is enough to prosecute him. If that happens, then the court will determine Chad’s legal guilt through another legal process.

The result is a conflict between the desire of the coeds to fully actualize their moral self and the structures that makes liberal democracy possible. This conflict turns up all over woke capital, as well. That person sitting in a cubicle, debating whether to cancel your bank account, is balancing their duty to the greater good against the rules limiting their power in the organization. Where ever they can serve the greater good, they will, even if it pointlessly harms you. To them, you are just an irrelevant abstraction.

The inevitable end point of liberal democracy is a system that is at perceptually war with itself, because it is animated by a religion without a limiting principle. Every reform in the name of the public good is followed by calls for more reforms. Every new rule or limit that replaces some old discredited rule is immediately attacked as against the good of the people or a danger to the democracy. The end point of liberal democracy it a riot of fanatics murdering one another in the name of the people.

Support the media that supports you. While all of us toiling in the fields of dissident media are motivated by a sense of duty, having a place to sleep and food on the table still requires money. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

A Darker Shade Of Pale

The coalition of the ascendant loves to talk about the glorious future in which they are in complete control. They just assume that everything will be like it is today in a material sense, except they will get to divvy up the goods of the vanquished among themselves, like pirates sharing out a captured treasure. America will just be a swarthier version of what it was in the 1950’s. It is the assumption of people who have fully consumed the multicultural propaganda used to create the coalition of the ascendant.

This vision of the future is no doubt a driving force behind the race radicalism of people like Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. It assumes things about people that are not true. The old gag about Magic Dirt Theory is a joke among dissidents, but people like Rashida Tlaib think it is real. She thinks if her people move here, displacing the heritage stock, nothing changes but the complexion. Her people will suddenly stop acting like her people and take on the habits of our people, but with more color.

This is nonsense, of course, because much of what we think of as American society exists because heritage Americans support it. The people who created this society would have done so wherever they landed. We know this because it has happened in places like Australia and even Africa. Despite it all, countries like Rhodesia and South Africa were able to create first world societies. In the game of dirt, no place has more tragic dirt than the Dark Continent. Yet Rhodesia existed. South Africa existed.

Sports entertainment is a good place to start when thinking about how America will change as it slips into its dark age. This story about the suffering of stock car racing is a good example. NASCAR was always a regional thing, so when they went chasing a global audience, it was always going to be trouble. When the demographic changes started to hit, that’s when things turned ugly for them. Those old white guys are just not turning up to drink beer, wear jorts and watch cars ride around in a circle.

Another example is tennis. In the 70’s and 80’s, when Baby Boomers were able to swing a tennis racket, the sport enjoyed great success. Big matches on TV not only got big audiences, they were cultural phenomenon. Once the Boomers got too old to play, tennis stopped being important. Instead, golf started to boom as those same pasty Boomers took up the sport in droves. Now that the Boomers are in the final turn, golf has fallen into recession, as fewer people play the game.

Another area you can get a glimpse of the coming dark age is in community activity like youth sports leagues. Those in Gen-X probably remember in their youth how the youth leagues atrophied as their generation was relatively tiny compared to those that preceded them. Today, of course, you can drive around for days without seeing kids out playing on a ball field. Youth sports have been in decline for a while now. This will only accelerate as the people who make such things possible are marginalized.

The decline of youth sports leagues are another great example of how the decline is a process of gradually then all of a sudden. The decline in youth sports leagues and community based activity has been going on for decades, but people tended not to notice the decline. It’s when the high school drops the football team or maybe all of their sports teams that it becomes obvious. The decline was not noticed until the park where men played youth baseball is suddenly turned into Starbucks.

Another part of the entertainment world offers a glimpse of the future. A popular topic in certain circles is just how dumb and repetitive movies and television have become. All of the big movies are based on children’s comic books. The male leads are replaced by females or people from the ascendant, done in such a way as to make that the point of the movie. Television has always been for stupid people, but now it is just endless screed against heritage America, like the recent Pride Month nonsense.

The reason movies have managed to get dumber and duller is the audience has dramatically changed. Hollywood no longer caters to heritage America. Instead, it is focused on the ascendant that now fill the domestic theaters and the theaters in their source countries. Television has become exactly what was portrayed in the movie Idiocracy, but the reason is not that people are getting dumber. The reason for the decline is that the audience is getting darker.

None of this is novel to people into dissident politics. Much of what is driving dissident politics in the West is demographics. The thing is though, it is assumes that the current process will either lead to America following the path of Detroit or heading down a path to Brazil. Both of those scenarios are probably wrong. Instead, America as a whole will follow the path we see in community activities and our entertainments. Cultural inertial will carry us along until all of a sudden we enter a dark age.

The reason for this is unlike Detroit, this process is gradual. White people flooded out of cities like Detroit in a decade. Baltimore, for example, went from being a working class white city to a majority black city in two decades. Those fleeing whites took their human and social capital with them to the suburbs. They recreated their institutions in their new lands. Baltimore became an urban reservation system with some centrally located facilities, still vital to the surrounding population.

The Brazil model does not work, as it was never a high-trust, fully modern society operating along European rules. It never rose much above what its human capital could support, so it evolved institutions that fit the population. America’s institutions evolved for a different population. Those cultural and political institutions in the hands of the ascendant will be like handing out smart phones to the Sentinelese. In time, the inhabitants will look around and wonder about the gods who made the ruins in which they live.

That’s the nature of dark ages. Slowly, then suddenly the relatively high-IQ population is swapped out for a lesser population. It’s not that the new population has no one smart enough to work on an aqueduct or understand how to maintain an electrical grid. It’s that there are not enough of them. The population suddenly finds itself left with social, economic and political tools it cannot use. A dark age descends as the people have to start recreating tools suitable for the population.

Support the media that supports you. While all of us toiling in the fields of dissident media are motivated by a sense of duty, having a place to sleep and food on the table still requires money. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

The Usurper

Origins myths are a natural element to all human organization, whether it is a great family, an enterprise or a nation. The founder of the great family is lionized as not only good at making money, but also as a great man. In fact, his great wealth is seen as a result of his great deeds. Similarly, the successful business will celebrate the founders as something more than hard working men who got lucky. Usually they are cast as plucky underdogs, who beat the odds because they were moral men.

For a people, the mythologizing gets more grandiose. The origin myths not only explain the founding of the nation, but justify the current order. The social arrangements, the type of government and the people in charge are the work of providence. The celebration of national holidays are part of reinforcing the founding myths and most especially the moral order. In America, the endless flag waving and saccharine patriotism is a daily reminder that the current order is God’s will.

The reason for these myths is that all authority comes from usurping it. The great families of a nation arose because the founders of those families knocked off the previous great families. In England, for example, many of the great families made their fortune fighting for the king in the 100 Years War. They went over to France, killed a bunch of rich people and took their wealth back home to England. For most of human history great men rose to fame by putting other great men to the sword.

The successful business is less bloody, in most cases, but the founders were still usurpers who made their name at the expense of others. Maybe their business success came at the expense of established companies in the field. Maybe they used connivance or trickery to out-compete their rivals. It does not matter as wealth does not spring from nothing. As in all competition, there are winners and losers. The great company was founded by men who usurped existing great companies.

Because all societies begin low and violent, purity and grandeur arise from distance from their origin. The rulers and the people must put distance between themselves and the origins of their people, in order to give purpose to the perpetuation of their people, but they can never be disconnected from their origins. Instead, they mythologize them in order to both disguise the reality of their beginnings, but celebrate themselves as part of the natural order. The origin myth is a pretty lie that keeps us looking forward.

The most obvious example of how this works is the Lincoln fetish we see with our ruling class in America. Both sides venerate Lincoln and the Gettysburg address, The Civil War has been cast as the second founding, a purification ritual that addressed the original sin of slavery and republicanism in the founding. Rather than being seen as a break from the founding, which is surely was, it is a continuation of it. Lincoln the usurper, is replaced with Lincoln the saint, who saved the republic.

The Gettysburg Address now holds more emotional power for our elites than the actual founding documents. At some level, Lincoln certainly knew he was a usurper and that speech is pretty good proof of it. He allegedly jotted it down without much thought, but it shows all the signs of a man who knew he destroyed the old order and was now tasked with creating a new one. Starting with a lie about his own motivations was the most obvious place to start. It was the usurper announcing his victory.

The great compromise after the Civil War was to allow the defeated to hang onto their heroes in symbolic form. In order to avoid a genocide, which is what abolitionists surely desired, the South was allowed to exist as a conquered people, but with their memories and some of their customs intact. Whether it was conscious or just an inevitable result of the war, a grand compromise evolved that allowed the South to retain its unique identity, but subsume it into the overall identity of the new nation.

Of course, this is why the current ruling class is obsessed now with erasing all traces of the South, by toppling over statues, desecrating graves and erasing images of the actual founders of the United States. These are people haunted by their own illegitimate claims on power, so they are removing anything that reminds them of a past in which they played no part. It’s also why the past is being systematically colorized to write in strangers to the family tree of America.

That’s why these acts are so compelling to the emerging multicultural ruling elites. For them, this is not about revenge or spiting people they hate. They are, in fact, a consecration of their own authority. They are symbolically giving birth to their new nation by destroying the old. For the usurper, the victim is only important in so far as he has what the usurper desires. It’s not vengeance that drives these people. It is a desire to mythologize and legitimize their own authority.

The implication here is that the die is cast. It is no longer a question of if America is taken over by the coalition of the ascendant, but rather how long this process will play out and how it will end. There is no restoration of old white America. That door closed decades ago, when the borders were flung open to the world. If this emerging ruling elite is to be toppled, their power will need to be seized by a new usurper, a group that seeks power and legitimacy by whatever means are available.

Support the media that supports you. While all of us toiling in the fields of dissident media are motivated by a sense of duty, having a place to sleep and food on the table still requires money. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

The Party Of Hate

The Left in America has always been adept at playing identity politics. While it is a useful way to build coalitions, identity politics fits naturally with radicalism. The Left in the West starts with the assumption that human society is like a watch. Each component interacts with other components to make the whole thing go. It is not a big leap from there to seeing society as a collection of parts. Appealing to those parts on narrow grounds is simply the logical way to go about politics for the Left.

This worked pretty well after the Second World War, because America was 90% white, so the Left could sure up their numbers, without ceding power to these auxiliary forces they bribed into their coalition. They could promise blacks whatever was needed, as there was never a fear of blacks taking over the party. If any of these auxiliary groups got mad the people in charge, there was not much they could do about, other than complain and ask for a better deal next time.

As America becomes majority-minority that old formula can no longer work. In the current Democrat party, blacks make up a majority of primary votes in some states. It’s not enough for candidates to promise them free stuff. More important, the loyalty of those tribes to the whole is transactional. Their first loyalty is to their tribe and their loyalty to the cause of the party is conditional. That means identity politics within the party is an endless negotiation to redress of past grievances.

You see this in how poor old creepy Joe Biden is being treated by the coalition of the ascendant. He made the rather valid and sensible point that he has found a way to work with all sports of people in his career, even segregationists. They were, for a long time, a key part of the Democrat party. He is being pilloried for this, not because it is good for the party in anyway, but it is good for the blacks. Kamala Harris is running as a black, so calling Biden a bigot is good for her, as it boosts her credibility with blacks.

That’s where the tribal loyalty comes in. Michelle Obama, who spent more than eight years around Biden, is also piling on poor old Joe. Even though Biden was a loyal toady to her husband, helping him get into the White House, Michelle can’t come to his aid, because she’s black and he’s white. Her tribal loyalty comes before her loyalty to the party. This, despite the fact Harris is backed by the Clinton machine. For blacks like Michelle Obama, hatred of white people is who she is, above all else.

Within the domain of group identity, there are two types of identity. One is the positive identity that is rooted in the attributes of the group. The other is a negative identity that is rooted in some outside force or group. Icelandic, for example, is a positive identity as it is rooted in genetic qualities of the people of Iceland. African-American, in contrast, is a negative identity, because it is based entirely on the negative relationship between the decedents of America slaves and white people in America.

In the case of the people of Iceland, they would continue to be Icelandic, even if every other type of human on earth died tomorrow. If those people then migrated off their island and took up residence in what is now England, they would still be Icelandic, at least until evolution worked its magic on them. Given enough time, the people living on what is now England, would develop traits that are unique to them. They would create a shared history that is different from their ancestors in Iceland.

On the other hand, African-Americans are entirely dependent upon white people for their identity. If every white person moved to Canada, blacks would move to Canada, as they need to be near whites in order to maintain their sense of identity. If all other humans on earth died tomorrow, the African-American population would lose its identity and devolve into some new identity or identities. Evolution and their innate qualities would no doubt make them into tribes of hunter-gatherers.

This is the problem Democrats will face as they elevate blacks and other non-whites in their party. When you’re defined by your hatreds, there can be no limit placed on that hatred, as it is the celebration of self. That’s why the anti-white campaign is rapidly accelerating on the Left. In the quest to reach a new limit of self-affirmation, they must find some new way to hate white people. The result will be something like then ANC, where the only white faces will be Jews and some females.

Support the media that supports you. While all of us toiling in the fields of dissident media are motivated by a sense of duty, having a place to sleep and food on the table still requires money. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

The Next Big Scandal

A story that has largely been forgotten, is the investigation into what happened with the intelligence services at the end of the Obama administration, into the start of the Trump administration. Trump has stopped tweeting about it and he never gets asked about by the media. Some elements of the Left are trying to keep the Russian collusion hoax alive, in order to push impeachment, but no one mentions the FBI scandal. What should be an important story is largely ignored by the liberal media for obvious reasons.

Despite the radio silence, the investigation appears to be continuing. A new witness has turned up, delaying the Horowitz report on the FISA abuse. The Inspector General lacks subpoena power, so people outside the DOJ don’t have to speak with him. For some unknown reason, this person has now agreed to answer questions. Since this person was in the State Department at the time of the FISA abuse, the assumption is she knows something about the foreign assets the FBI was using to get warrants.

Out of the blue, the Washington Post put out a big story claiming Joseph Mifsud was a Russian intelligence asset. The absurdity of the claim is less important than the timing, as no one was talking about this issue. For some reason, people in the FBI thought they needed to plant this nonsense in the press. The assumption is that he is cooperating with the new prosecutor appointed by Attorney General Barr. While little is known about his investigation, he has impaneled a grand jury and is subpoenaing witnesses.

That’s been the missing piece of this political puzzle for a long time. When Jeff Sessions recused himself, it allowed Rod Rosenstein and Bob Mueller to build a firewall around the FBI spying case. The only person looking into it was the inspector general, and he lacks subpoena power. That was the whole point of the Mueller investigation. His job was to bottle all of this up and run out the clock. When Trump fired Sessions and brought in Barr, the game was up. Mueller was sidelined and Rosenstein resigned.

At this point, the broad contours of the case are known. Elements within the DOJ and FBI setup an espionage operation on the Trump campaign. They used stories they planted in the media and friendly foreign assets to fabricate a case they presented to the FISA court in order to get warrants on Trump people. This allowed them to spy on the Trump campaign and presumably share the intelligence with the Clinton campaign, through FusionGPS, the political dirty tricks shop.

What is unknown at this stage is who authorized the operation. James Comey was head of the FBI, but he appears to be a patsy, as he is too dumb and timid to have pulled off this caper. It is entirely possible that this scheme was hatched by senior level people in the DOJ and FBI through their social network. At some point, someone in the administration was made aware of it. The text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page make clear that the FBI was riddled with left-wing fanatics.

There’s also the question of just how wide ranging was this conspiracy. The list of names directly implicated is over two dozen. There are another two dozen that seem to have had some connection to the caper. The connection with the Clinton campaign has been largely ignored, but it is entirely possible that the missing e-mails from Clinton’s illegal server are involved. Then there are the foreign intelligence assets that have been implicated. There are at least three foreign governments named thus far.

The biggest unknown is what exactly is happening with the investigation. Barr brought in what amounts to a special prosecutor. He has a hand-picked staff and is working on just the FBI stuff and anything related to it. That means he is looking into the handling the Clinton e-mail case as well as the FBI spy ring. Barr is also known to have a deep dislike for the Clinton people, so it seem unlikely he is preparing to broom the whole thing or drag it out until Trump leaves office.

Lost in all of this is the fact that the people involved in these conspiracy seem to really bad at their jobs. If you are a senior person in the FBI, relying on signal intelligence to track suspected enemies of the state, you should know better than to use simple text messaging to coordinate your conspiracy. Even when they knew their shenanigans were going to be revealed and they needed a cover story, they continue to use text and e-mail on government phones to coordinate their conspiracy.

Of course, everything about this case is political. If Barr moves to indict some of the people involved, they may be willing to cut deals to avoid prison. Because no one knows the full story, no one can be sure who will be ratted out by these people. This is a case that could quickly go from being about rogue FBI agents to a story about the overall corruption in Washington. With the 2020 election coming up, this case could be the ultimate political weapon for Team Trump.

On the other hand, this could turn out to be the issue that rips the Democrat party to shreds over the next year. Joe Biden is the front runner, despite his recent problems, due to his association with Obama. How long before a rival asks him what did he know and when did he know it? Then you have Harris, who is connected to the Clinton political machine. This story could easily become a party scandal that unleashes all the old hatreds between the various tribes in the coalition.

The next year could be a lot of fun.

If you care about your community and want to support those working hard on your behalf, consider supporting my work by donating the price of a beer or a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Unlike those mega-corporations, I will not use your money to destroy your family and community. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!


The Jewish Dilemma

Like the fog, talk of nationalism is slowly starting to roll in on the intellectual and pseudo-intellectual conversations of the West. One reason for this is the rise of populist movements in Europe and America, responding to the importation of non-Western people into Western nations. Another reason for the rise in nationalism is the sense that the ruling classes of the West are no longer Western. To the typical occidental, the elites seem foreign and oriental in the language and dispositions.

The emerging debate about nationalism among the intellectual and pseudo-intellectual classes is therefore reactionary. Across the board, the debate is being picked up by people so unfamiliar with the topic, they struggle with the basics of the concept. This column by Dennis Prager in the American Zionist broadsheet The Daily Wire is a good example of the fumbling you see when these people take up the issue. He treats the word like it is on loan from a foreign race of men or possibly space aliens.

Nationalism presents a particularity difficult problem for the Jewish ruling elite, which is another thing you see in the Prager piece. The word “nationalism” is derived from the word “nation” and that comes to us from the Old French word nacion, which means birth, rank, descendants, relatives, country, homeland. The French, of course, inherited the meaning from the Latin word for “birth, origin, breed, kind, species, race of people, tribe.” The word nationalism means loyalty to a people, your people.

If the word nationalism means what it actually means, then it presents an obvious dilemma for diaspora Jews in the Occident. If Jewishness is what the religion says, then Jews are their own race of people. Jewish nationalism would therefore be to the Jewish people and the state of Israel. One cannot be equally loyal to two nations or two of anything, for that matter. Inevitably, you will have to pick between the two, thus establishing one as the primary loyalty and the other secondary.

This is the age old issue with Jews in the diaspora. For the longest time, they were accused of dual loyalty, but in reality they were accused of having no loyalty. Like so much about this topic, the facts have been corrupted to obscure the truth. In reality, the accusation was that the primary loyalty of Jews was to their people and the apparent loyalty to their host population was out of convenience and necessity. The core of Western antisemitism in the West is the claim that Jews are not us.

Jewish intellectuals have always understood this, so after the Second World War, they pounced on the opportunity to anathematize the concept of nationalism. The claim was that nationalism was the cause of the great industrial wars that reduced the West to rubble and gave rise to fascism. Therefore, to avoid a repeat of those horrors, nationalism must be stamped out. In fairness, this was not solely a Jewish project, as there were plenty of gentile communists who embraced the idea.

Still, the primary beneficiaries of anti-nationalism were Jews. In America, this allowed Jews to enter the ruling class and by extension the global ruling elite. The global power of the American Empire, now including the international financial network, gave diaspora Jews unprecedented power. Jews are now wildly over-represented in all of the positions of power and influence. While this is a popular talking point for anti-Semites, it has also been a point of pride for Jews themselves.

We see why Zionist like Denis Prager are terrified by the sudden reappearance nationalism in the West. If the people of the Occident regain their love of self, then Jews are on the horns of a dilemma. They can either assume their traditional role as guests in their host counties or they can join their neighbors in these host countries and place loyalty to their neighbors over loyalty to their ancient tribe. Judaism becomes just a remnant of who they used to be, in the same way Catholicism is for the Irish.

The third option, one you see in the Prager piece and in the Ben Shapiro book is to muddy the waters on the whole issue. For example, Prager defines good nationalism as that which is good for him, while bad nationalism is when it is bad for him. Ben Shapiro, on the other hand, tries to redefine 2,000 years of Western history to make Jews the loyal partners of Christendom. The absurd concept of Judeo-Christianity is just an effort to rewrite the past to insert his ancestors into your family tree.

Then there is the problem of Israel, which is an ethno-state, despite the humorous efforts to prove otherwise. Jews see the physical land as theirs because according to the central tenant of their faith, God gave it to them. Their loyalty to the land of Israel is an expression of their loyalty to the people of Israel, wherever they may reside. In this regard, Judaism is the most pure expression of nationalism, as it literally transcends time and physical boundaries. Israel is the symbol of that blood loyalty.

You really cannot square that reality with objections to the French demanding their country be for the French people, as defined by the French people. If what it means to be a Jew is defined by Jews, which is literally true, then what is the moral or factual objections to Germans defining what it means to be German? There is none, of course, which is why Israel has always been a problem for diaspora Jews. You can’t be a Zionist, while preaching multiculturalism and open borders.

The usual suspects assume this contradiction will inevitably lead to the age old conflict, but that is not necessarily true. Much of the history of antisemitism is apocryphal, used by Jews to gaslight themselves into remaining loyal to the tribe. In fact, Jewish identity in America is largely a negative one now as a result. To be authentically Jewish is to believe that your gentile neighbors will one day pull their khaki outfits from the back of the closet and get the trains running on time again.

The alternative is for diaspora Jews in America to come to terms with the fact they have a different history from the rest of the Tribe. They represent a fork in God’s project, creating a new tribe of Israel. This new tribe places its primary loyalty with the host country, because it cannot exist otherwise. Since Israel, as it is currently constructed, cannot exist without a powerful America as its powerful ally, American Jews serve Israel and the Jewish people as loyal allies of their fellow Americans.

It is possible that Zionist Jews hold such a conception of themselves. Whether they keep this to themselves because they distrust their gentile neighbors or they don’t trust themselves, not speaking to it is a problem only they can solve. If even Zionist Jews remain locked into an old identity, then the only way forward is to slough off that old identity and accept present reality. Regardless, the dilemma of resurgent nationalism in the West is a Jewish dilemma, not an occidental one.

If you care about your community and want to support those working hard on your behalf, consider supporting my work by donating the price of a beer or a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Unlike those mega-corporations, I will not use your money to destroy your family and community. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

Post-National Patriotism

Like most Americans, I am putting down my burdens to enjoy the long Independence Day weekend. The holiday falling on a Thursday, means most everyone is using vacation time for Friday, so it is essentially a four day weekend. All of my clients are on skeleton crews if they are open at all. Technically the Federal government is open on Friday, but good luck doing business with them, The Imperial Capital will be full of tourists and terrorists from Antifa, so it is a no-go zone this weekend.

In theory, this is supposed to be the day where all of us take a moment to remember how lucky we are to be Americans. There will be fireworks shows all over the country, along with patriotic displays, parades and so on. The sportsball teams performing this weekend will be kitted out in special patriotic gear and the parks will have longer than usual patriotic displays. Of course, that means lots of lectures on civic nationalism from the usual suspects. Like everything we do, it will be overdone and commercial.

There used to be a time when I enjoyed the flag waving. There was something magical to be at a public event, like a ball game, seeing everyone singing the national anthem or seeing men get a little choked up at a remembrance for fallen heroes. Patriotism is one of those things that makes you feel small and humble, but also part of something that is massive and timeless. It is an appeal to the oldest of instincts, perhaps that which makes us human. That is the willingness to sacrifice for the tribe.

That is the key to it, sacrifice. To be patriotic is to willingly, even if in truth it is involuntary, give over yourself to the whole, for the benefit of the whole. The heroes, in the patriotic sense, are those who sacrificed in times of great crisis. Of course, the ultimate heroes are those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The most revered place in the psyche of a people is where they bury their heroes. It’s not just where they honor the memory of their heroes, built where they go to remember who they are as a people.

This sacrificial element is biological of course. The biologist J. B. S. Haldane reportedly said, “I would gladly give up my life for two brothers or eight cousins.”  What he meant is the willingness to sacrifice for others is driven by genetic proximity. A man is willing to sacrifice everything for his immediate family. He is increasingly less willing to sacrifice for his extended family. As the genetic distance increases, his willingness to sacrifice declines to a point at which he is unwilling to sacrifice at all.

This is something the ancient Greeks observed about men at war. When fighting with their backs to their own lands and their own people, men would fight heroically. When on foreign soil, out of range of their families, they were much more cautious. Haldane, in The Inequality of Man, notes that fanaticism is one of man’s great inventions, as it overcomes this biological reality. Those men fighting on foreign lands, will see their comrades as brothers, through the shared fanatical devotion to a cause.

This, of course, is why our modern rulers are relentlessly whipping us, or at least their dedicated followers, into a frenzy over cultural fads. In the West, people are strangers to one another, often in their communities. The natural bonds from biological proximity, the shared ancestors and cultural heritage, are no longer possible when your neighbors are men from faraway lands, speaking exotic languages. The normal mortar that binds a people has been eroded by multiculturalism, replaced with endless shrieking.

The Left has always been at war with man’s nature. This is the legacy of Rousseau, perhaps history’s greatest monster. From the radicalism of the Jacobins to the multiculturalists of today, the Left has always been particularly hostile to man’s natural affinity for those with whom he shares a common ancestor. Patriotism, especially in modern America, is a reminder that the ties that bind one man to another are not the words of an ideologue, but the mating decisions of their ancestors.

Of course, the Right has stepped into to make the job easier for the Left, by turning patriotism into a cheesy celebration of the ruling class. Whether it is support for pointless wars of choice or the obsequious worship of post-national corporations, patriotism from so-called conservatives is now ridiculous flag waving. They take care to decorate their celebrations with all of the trappings of multiculturalism. The lack of authenticity makes the whole thing a grotesque mockery of the past.

For dissidents, patriotism is increasingly impossible. On the one hand, there is the absurd version that celebrates multiculturalism and the end of the nation state. On the hand there is the synthetic version that papers over reality with nostalgia. Patriotism is no longer the roar of people in their prime, but instead it is the sad songs from old men, who keep alive memories of an age that has passed. In a post-national world, there can be no room for nationalism. There can be no post-national patriotism.

That does not mean it should be forgotten or ignored. For the dissident, the patriotic displays are a good reminder of what they have taken from us, but also a reminder of why we are dissidents. There may be no more nation states, but that bond of biological proximity is eternal. It is a fundamental part of our nature. The fight is not to restore the world to where it was, but to restore the world to its natural mooring. Identity politics is about building communities based in biology, not the rantings of fanatics.

If you care about your community and want to support those working hard on your behalf, consider supporting my work by donating the price of a beer or a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Unlike those mega-corporations, I will not use your money to destroy your family and community. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

The Reality Of AI

Every day, we are told the artificial intelligence is not a science fiction fantasy, but a reality of modern life. Crimes are solved using AI and the military is supposedly using it to fight the forever wars. Microsoft regularly runs ads explaining that thanks to AI, the modern world will run just fine without white people. IBM goes further, claiming their artificial intelligence robots are already running large swaths of the world. The robot revolution is here and humans are being replaced with machines.

The target audience for these ads is a question, as the people watching television are not the people deciding whether to use IBM or Microsoft for the artificial intelligence requirements. It’s an example of how the custodial state has evolved. These ads are not about moving product or even improving the image of the firms. It is about conditioning people to the idea that they are wards of the state. Not only will they have no role in how their world is managed, they should not even bother thinking about it.

Of course, there is the matter of the AI itself. Everyone reading this post has had the experience of seeing ads on every web page, for things they bought six months ago from an on-line retailer. Maybe you just did a search and clicked on one of the ad links on Google. The result is every page that contains ads will display the product to you until you make the same mistake with a different product. Billions have been invested in smart advertising on-line yet the robots remain vexed by your search habits.

Then we have the companies supposedly at the forefront of artificial intelligence, like Microsoft and IBM. Anyone who has done business with Microsoft will tell you it is every bit as nonsensical as the government. Their “partner portals” appear to have been designed by people who hate Microsoft and their vendors. Then you have IBM, which is no longer an American company. It is now reliant on slave labor from the Orient. Most of its workforce is now un-American. It’s mostly a sweatshop now.

That brings us to the people these tech giants rely upon to write their code and engineer their products. Talk to people familiar with the code base of Facebook, Twitter and the big software-as-a-service providers and you learn it is a house of cards. Most of the code was thrown together in a rush using cheap labor from the Orient. As a result, the maintenance costs continue to rise, necessitating more outsourcing to places with even cheaper labor costs. We’re not far from having African coding shops.

That assumes this can go on forever. The Boeing 737 Max airplane that is riddled with so many problems may be a glimpse of the future. According to the news, they outsourced the coding for the planes “intelligence” to programming sweatshops on the Indian subcontinent. India is a land that struggles to manage basic sanitation, yet they are relied upon to produce complex software for complex systems. Perhaps someone should have told IBM’s Watson about what goes on in the Ganges.

The reality of artificial intelligence is that it is not here and it is not coming. One reason is we really don’t understand human intelligence. We have some sense of it, as in person X is smarter than person Y. We have some tests that give us an insight into individual and group intelligence, but those tests are imperfect. In fact, the so-called Flynn Effect may be the result of the flaws in testing. We may be picking up increases in things that are not a great influence on general intelligence.

When it comes to the biology of intelligence, science has identified about 50 alleles that negatively or positively affect intelligence. Think of them like the old dip-switches from the early days of computing. Some will positively impact IQ if closed, while having no impact if open. Others will negatively impact IQ if closed. Steven Hsu is involved in a project that one days hopes to be able to help parents select embryos for the highest chance of maximum intelligence, based on these correlations.

The fact is though, we really don’t understand human intelligence or human decision making very well. Therefore, creating artificial versions of something we don’t understand is unlikely. What we are calling AI today is just the result of technological progress in more mundane areas like disk capacity and bandwidth. We have an over capacity for data storage and all the bandwidth we need to connect it. That allows for faster processing of the same old boring tasks we have been performing for years.

There’s something else that works against the robot revolution. The smart fraction of the human race is getting dumber, not smarter. This is increasingly obvious to those who follow politics and current events. You can just look around your daily life and see that the basics of society are grinding to a halt in the West. Ed Dutton’s book, At Our Wits’ End, goes into examples and explanations for why we are getting dumber. Smart people in the West have fewer children and over time the results are manifest.

Of course, those Western populations have been the smart fraction of humanity for about 500 years now. The Chinese are certainly smart and there are a lot of them, but they have other characteristic that make them a poor substitute. They had 1000 years to take up the role of being the world’s smart fraction. Instead they created an insular society and put their smart people at work on astrology, calligraphy and turning the body parts of exotic animals into aphrodisiacs. They will not be the new smart fraction.

Then we have the swelling populations of the dumb fraction. Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing a population boom, which promises to flood the West. When people from Congo, the most backward place on earth, are turning up on the American southern border, it is fair to assume the West will be overrun by Africans. How many 85-IQ Africans does it take to sink the West? Detroit and Baltimore suggest a population that exceeds 25% is about the point where everything turns negative.

The reality of AI is it is mostly an advertising campaign at this point. What it is selling is the legacy idea of the custodial state. It’s a bit of the distraction so you don’t notice what is happening in your communities, workplace and even your family. It’s a campaign for staying the course and building out the multicultural custodial state that will solve the problems of diversity. The suicidal polices of the ruling class will be solved by machines that do not exist and probably will never exist, because we are ruled by fools.

If you care about your community and want to support those working hard on your behalf, consider supporting my work by donating the price of a beer or a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Unlike those mega-corporations, I will not use your money to destroy your family and community. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

Coalitions In Mass Democracy

Not so long ago, both political parties in the West had a strong hold on their members and controlled access to their ballots. If you wanted to be a Democrat, a Tory or a Christian Democrat, it required you to be a member of those parties. You had to be in good standing with party leaders. There was plenty of internal party politics, as that’s the point of party politics, but the parties themselves had firm borders. If you wanted to be in the party, it meant adhering to party rules and supporting the party.

Look around today and that’s no longer true. In the United States, both parties are devolving into loose affiliations of power centers. The Republicans have no control over the message, as members regularly contradict one another in public and they can barely perform the basics as a party. The Democrats are close to flying apart as the various tribes within the party put loyalty to the tribe ahead of the party. They may nominate for president someone who is technically not in the party.

In Europe, it is a bit different, as the parliamentary system allows for parties to break apart, forming new parties. Still, in Britain, Labor looks like a cult of personality around Jeremy Corbyn. The Tories are cracking into one camp of yesterday men clinging to ideas from the last century and a new camp around British independence. Then you have the party of Nigel Farage. No one really cares what his party is called or what sort of platform they are putting forth, as it exists as long as he exists.

Farage is a great example of what is happening all over the West. Politics in mass democracy inevitably devolves into coalitions around personalities, rather than factions based in group interests. The parties exist as vehicles for individuals, a legacy item from the era of factional politics. The system that is supposed to be the polar opposite of authoritarianism, ends up being a competition between little Napoleons, competing with one another in the mock warfare of politics.

One reason for this is that group interests are longer term, as they are generational, while individual interests are shorter term. Democracy rewards the here and now on an individual level, so an organizational model that is willing to sacrifice the now for later is always going to be at a disadvantage. It does not take long for someone within that organization to see the opportunity and promise to win now, thus elevating his status within the organization and eventually dominating it.

This was the case in Athens, where political parties never got going. Lacking a long republican period or a slow transition from monarchy, the Greeks went right to the full democracy phase. Granted, they did not allow women to vote, as the Greeks were smart, but they otherwise had a true democracy. Instead of parties, they had coalitions around an influential person. His followers would describe themselves as being with this person or that person, indicating the person leading a particular faction.

We see this happening in America, where both parties are unable to do much of anything when in power. The old-timers like Joe Biden lament the lack of cooperation between the parties, but what he is describing is the dysfunction within the parties. It’s no longer possible for either party to push through policy on party lines. On the GOP side, there’s always a jerk like Rand Paul to bugger up the works. On the Democrat side, the hard Left is always ready to subvert their own leadership.

Dissidents get mad at Trump for not doing what he promised, but a lot of his problems stem from the fact he keeps playing old party politics. He remains convinced that he has to get the Republicans behind his initiatives, through the game of horse trading among the factions. The same problem exists in the Democrat House, where Pelosi struggles to get anything done with a caucus made up of people that hate one another. Both parties are led by old people playing a game no longer relevant to this age.

In Europe, this decay of factional interest into cults of personality has an opportunity to flourish because of the parliamentary system. No one even cares what Macron’s party is called or that it even exists. In Germany, the old folks desperately clinging to power are simply Merkelists. In Britain, things are becoming more explicit as we have the Farage party, the Corbyn party and soon the Boris party, assuming he can avoid beating his girlfriend long enough to win the leadership race.

How this plays out in America is hard to figure, as forming new political parties has been made so difficult by the two main parties. There’s also the fact that America is continent sized country with lots of diversity. In fact, America is already a majority-minority country, when you take into consideration the diversity that exists within the white population. Then there is the fact that the ruling class is cramped into the tiny city on the Potomac, which is walled off from the rest of the country economically and culturally.

Of course, this leads us to the Roman example, where the Republic was dominated by a handful of powerful men. This rivalry eventually led to one of those men conquering his rivals and the republic. The Europeans may be headed to a non-violent version of the Crisis of the Third Century, a form of war-lordism, while America is headed to some form of non-violent Caesarism. Historical analogies are never perfect, of course, but the comparison is useful for seeing down the road for what comes next in the West.

If you care about your community and want to support those working hard on your behalf, consider supporting my work by donating the price of a beer or a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Unlike those mega-corporations, I will not use your money to destroy your family and community. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

Suicidal Stupidity

Since the early days of the alt-right, there has been a debate among dissidents about the utility of street protests. Prior to the Charlottesville debacle, most people, including the alt-lite types, were sure it was necessary for right-wing groups to “show the colors” on the street, even if it meant confrontation with the goon squads of the Left. Many, of course, were excited by the opportunity to mix it up with groups like Antifa. The truth is, a lot of guys were attracted to the alt-right because they wanted the action.

After the Charlottesville disaster, opinion swung the other way. Richard Spencer soldiered on with his college speaking gigs, but each one was more embarrassing than the next, as the Left turned them into a violent circus that was blamed on the alt-right and anyone within distance of them. The authorities and the media openly sided with Antifa, so these events became recruiting videos for them. It was black clad street fighters versus cartoon Nazis, with the black bloc always winning.

Despite the obvious futility of these types of things, there remains a faction that insists this sort of stuff is useful. A group calling itself Patriot Prayer holds street events in Portland Oregon, where they are pummeled by well-organized Antifa gangs, supported by the police and the mayor. This past weekend, they had a rally where a small number of them got the hell beat out of them by hundreds of Antifa. An old man was beaten with crowbars and an Asian homosexual was doused with some sort of chemical.

Of course, the internet was full of right-wingers, mostly the goofy civic nationalist types, demanding sympathy for what happened. It was the usual stuff, accusing the Left of being the real fascist enemies of freedom. It is just another form of the hand-wringing we would see from the Buckley crowd after they lost another fight with the Left. It is an effort to turn failure into noble suffering. As someone one Gab put it, it is just failure theater that makes the Left look good and the Right look like losers.

Frankly, there should be zero sympathy for the people getting beaten at these events, as they deserve the beating. If someone walks into a biker club and starts challenging the bikers on their home turf, no one would be shocked if the bikers beat the crap out of the idiot. In fact, most people would assume the guy had it coming. The same applies to these stupid street protests like the one in Portland. These people are begging to be assaulted on camera by Antifa, so they get what they deserve.

More important, they are functioning as the willing stooges of Antifa. Without some right-wing goofballs there would be no reason for the riot. If they did riot, they would be blamed for it and the media would be forced to report the truth, at least some of the truth, about the people involved. With the rental clowns from the Right, the whole show can go on according to the script. It becomes one long recruiting video for Antifa, which ends up looking like the place to go if you are young and angry.

This is an extension of a larger fight among dissidents, between the old white nationalist types and the younger, smarter activists and thinkers, who have entered the space over the last decade. The old school types like the street brawls for personal reasons, but they insist their old tactics are the only tactics. These are the people who insist on being public, self-doxing and adopting taboo iconography. These are the guys who say, “if you’re are going to be called a Nazi, you may as well be one.”

The last part, of course, is just surrendering to the Left. Once you allow the Left to define the terms, they control the language. Once they control the language, they control the public morality and you have lost. Oddly, this is the same basic mistake the Buckley types have been making for generations. The result is that the old white nationalists were never more than the organ grinder’s monkey for the Left. When lefty needed some cartoon Nazis, he would whistle and these guys would perform.

The idiocy of this stuff should be obvious, but it persists for a reason. Despite generations of failure, young men are attracted to these tactics because they offer some adventure and excitement. Even while getting humiliated by Antifa, there is a sense of fraternity that has a timeless appeal. Of course, it helps that the Left has evolved to encourage this behavior, as it furthers their interests. They have become adept at conjuring this sort of street theater and turning it into propaganda.

That said, it is exactly why charging into a left-wing stronghold in order to be pummeled into submission is suicidal stupidity. On the one hand it plays right into the familiar narrative the Left has used for generations to control white people. This is their game and they play it well. On the other hand, it suggest that dissidents are no better than the Antifa street thugs. Fair or foul, people judge you by the company you keep and those pictures of street brawls are what normal white people see on television.

Activism of any sort is about encouraging your side and discouraging the other side. If your efforts encourage the other side, they are always bad for your side. Making the enemy stronger is never good. On the other hand, activism that makes your side stronger, outside the sight of the enemy is the best, as it leaves them unprepared. By definition, the sorts of street theater we saw in Portland should be avoided. In fact, it should be assumed they are staged by the Left to serve the ends of their activism.

If you care about your community and want to support those working hard on your behalf, consider supporting my work by donating the price of a beer or a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Unlike those mega-corporations, I will not use your money to destroy your family and community. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!